Sandblasted Glass

custom designed, personal, functional, elegant, unique


My Glass.

I sandblast one-of-a-kind designs on flat glass for windows, doors and other decorative items. Many people when they see sandblasted glass call it "etched glass". And they are correct, it is glass etched by sandblasting. 

By using sandblasting techniques, it is possible to cut deep into the glass. You can even blast right through the glass if this is what is required. On the other hand it is also possible to just shade the glass very lightly. The light shading is a soft white finish, while the deeply carved glass is very white. The deeper the glass is etched the whiter it becomes. In the deep carving you can see the "wall" of the carved area.  With a combination of these techniques it is possible to create a design in many different shades of white.  When light hits the glass just right, the carved design will shine intensely green and beautifully bright. When sandblasted glass is displayed in an opening that catches the sunlight the design changes with the light and is almost magical.

Sandblasted glass is always subtle, distinguished, elegant and it is often functional. In the residential and commercial sections of this website you will see how it has been used for purely decorative purposes as well as for specific functions.

The Moodlights are somewhat different.  They are first and foremost beautiful and they can become functional, depending on where they are placed.

All my work is custom designed, generally worked out in correspondence with my clients.   

If you can imagine it and it can be made into a line drawing it can be sandblasted